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Beginning An Anime Convention

No matter what your intentions are for your convention, you have two things to consider:
  • Getting attendees to the convention.
  • Making the attendees happy.
As long as you remember those two things, the rest is not very complicated. No matter how you want to run your convention, or what events you want to plan, nothing comes above these two goals; especially the making attendees happy goal. You may reach a point where you don't have to try to get attendees to the convention, or you may reach a point that you don't want to grow beyond. That's fine, but you always want to make attendees happy.

How To Make Attendees Happy

Attendees are usually made happy by:
  • Hanging out with other cool attendees
  • Participating in fun events
  • Meeting guests of honor and getting autographs
  • Buying stuff in the dealers room
  • Showing off their costumes
  • Watching new anime
So as long as you do a good job at providing the above, you're attendees will often be happy. There's more to consider (for example, nobody will be happy if you have mean staff members), but those are the basics.

You'll make your attendees happy by providing attendees with programming! Guests of honor, panels, anime screenings, video game rooms, and your masquerade all work towards your goal of making attendees happy. Let's continue to our massive anime con planners checklist.
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