Emily DeJesus
Emily DeJesus is half of the team that runs StudioCapsule. She is a Writer, Editor, Designer and Manager. Emily has always enjoyed manga and anime, but never thought it could be her job. Emily has worked with Robert her business partner for over 14 years now. She has worked with quite a few companies like Marvel, Harper Collins, and Wayforward, just to name a few. She enjoys the business and creative side of working for Studio Capsule very much and is grateful that she has an opportunity to work in the manga/comics business.
Studio Capsule is involved in creating a line of low print run doujinshis, portfolios, animated shorts, and other projects expanding Studio Capsule. Find out everything that’s new with either Studio Capsule or Robert and Emily DeJesus at http://banzchan.deviantart.com/, at http://banzchan.blogspot.com/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/RobertDeJesusArt/
Ohayocon 2012
Kawaii Kon 2010