Anime-zing! 2018
Jul 13-15, 2018
Davenport, IA
About Anime-zing! 2018
Anime-zing! 2018 is a anime, scifi, and comic convention held in 2018. The event is located in Davenport. This is a small and fun convention in Iowa for anime fans from Iowa. The convention organizers are really passionate about building a fun local event.
Anime-zing! is a three day convention celebrating Japanese arts and the communities that surround anime fandom. This Iowa anime convention includes dozens of anime screenings, a plethora of discussions, autograph signings, a dealers hall, and group meetups for fandoms including several anime, BJDs, Homestuck, Lolita fashion, MLP, science-ficton, and video games. We're not just about anime - we are everything Otaku.
Guests of Honor
