Fubuki Con 2018
Mar 17, 2018
4380 Main St, Amherst, NY 14226
Daemen College Wick Center
4380 Main St, Amherst,
NY 14226
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About Fubuki Con 2018
Fubuki Con is the latest convention hosted by the Daemen College Anime Club. It's considered to be a small convention within Daemen College, however, the numbers grow every year! Fubuki Con has been running for a few years now and we plan to keep it going on! We have and welcome everything from anime to video games and/or comics. Everyone is encouraged to come and share their love and passion for their favorite fandoms. This is a family friendly event and open to all ages.
Our goal is to raise enough to donate to charity and provide for future Fubuki Con's!
If you want to have fun then Fubuki Con is the convention for you!
Guests of Honor
- Artist Alley