Kawa Kon 2014
Feb 7-9, 2014
St. Louis, MO
About Kawa Kon 2014
Kawa Kon is a multi-fandom experience in downtown St. Louis. With themed panel rooms, over 120 events and panels, and topics ranging across fandoms, Kawa Kon is a refuge from the ordinary. Special programming tracks include anime, British media, cosplay, steampunk, webcomics, and more!
Journey into the realm of the strange with 2014's Dark Fantasy theme. Revel with changelings, feast with vampires, and find beauty in decay through special theme events.
Guests of Honor

- Anime Music Videos
- Anime Screenings
- Artist Alley
- Board Games
- Collectable Card Games
- Cosplay Events With Prizes
- Cosplay Events Without Prizes
- Dance
- Dealer Room
- Fan Panels
- Formal Dance
- Free Autographs
- General Cosplay All Over
- Guest Panels
- Karaoke
- Pick Up Games
- Rave
- Role Playing Games
- Sci Fi Screenings
- Video Gaming
- Workshops