Kawa Kon 2013
Feb 8-10, 2013
St. Louis, MO
About Kawa Kon 2013
Kawa Kon is expanding! With our move to downtown St. Louis, we can offer even more programming tracks on some of our attendees' favorite topics. The convention brings together fans of many genres to celebrate fandom, including many different tracks of programming, including: Old School (nostalgia for the 70s-90s), Anime/Manga/Video Games (our convention's roots), Art & Writing (workshops on art and writing techniques), Doll Festival (a celebration of toys and dolls, especially ball-jointed dolls), Japanese Culture (traditional and modern Japanese dress, food, and customs), Steampunk (Victorian aesthetic, retro-futurism, and alternate history), Adults Only (18+ events and panels at night), British Invasion (British media including Doctor Who and Harry Potter), and Cosplay (learn to make and wear costumes).
Guests of Honor

- Anime Music Videos
- Anime Screenings
- Artist Alley
- Board Games
- Cosplay Events With Prizes
- Cosplay Events Without Prizes
- Dance
- Dealer Room
- Fan Panels
- Formal Dance
- For Fee Autographs
- Free Autographs
- General Cosplay All Over
- Guest Panels
- Karaoke
- Miniatures Games
- Rave
- Role Playing Games
- Sci Fi Screenings
- Video Gaming
- Workshops