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Ramencon 2013

Sep 20-22, 2013
Merrillville, IN
Merrillville, IN

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Official Review

RamenCon 2013 started out really slowly, and didn't improve much. Power-hungry staff, boring events, and a cramped hotel made the convention experience much less exciting. While the con helped congoers stay organized by using Guidebook this year, most of the panels overall were unexciting. For its size, the convention could have had a much bigger list of guests, but the invited guests were among some of the best voice actors currently appearing at conventions. The dealers room and game room were much better quality than most of the convention's events, but overall they didn't help enough to make the con more interesting. Boring events contributed the most to this year's lower rating, but next year could be a lot better.

About Ramencon 2013

Ramencon 2013, a anime convention, is happening in 2013, and happens in Merrillville, IN not far from Chicago in the Northwest Indiana area, close to Michigan.
Ramencon 2013 Pictures
Ramencon 2013 Ramencon 2012 Ramencon 2011