Anime Midwest 2015
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About Anime Midwest 2015

Anime Midwest is categorized as a large anime convention. Generally larger anime conventions, with attendance approximately from 5,000 to 20,000 people, have a wide variety of different events incorporated into the convention's programming. While the convention may be primarily focused on anime, elements of popular culture are likely to be big as well. At anime conventions of this size most people cosplay, which is a defining difference between anime cons and comic cons where fewer than a quarter of all participants cosplay. Attendees can generall expect a convention of this size to have several huge main events, which may be concerts, fashion shows, or sessions with famous special guests, in addition to hundreds of smaller events.
Going to a large anime convention gets to be a bit different than attending medium-size and small anime conventions, as events are typically a lot more spread out to accomodate the number of attendees. Hotel rooms may be further away from convention events, and parking may be difficult or expensive. There may be a larger variety of activities but some of them may have lines that form hours in advance. Attendees generally want to come prepared for occasionally long lines, depending on how well the convention is organized, possibly more expensive parking, and a bit more walking.
Attendee tips for going to Anime Midwest 2015
Attendees should research hotel and registration information as early as possible, as tickets for the convention and cheap hotel rooms may sellout several months prior to the convention. When packing, it is always advisable to bring extra supplies including a sewing kit, asprin, socks, and anything else that may be needed during the convention. Granola bars and other healthy snacks may end up being a cheaper alternative than the available food nearby.