Anime Midwest 2012
Jul 6-8, 2012
Lisle, IL
Official Review
Anime Midwest 2012 was one of the most intimate conventions of the year, and yet everyone attending got to spend the weekend being up-close-and-personal with impressive guests such as Greg Ayres and Nabeshin. Ramen, rice, and soda was provided for free all weekend, and every event was both smooth and entertaining. The exhibit hall was smaller than what people are used to at other local events, however it was impossible to leave Anime Midwest without great memories.
About Anime Midwest 2012
Anime Midwest is one of the best upcoming Midwest anime conventions coming for Chicago anime fans. The convention's first year was unbelievable, with guests like GLaDOS from Portal 2. This year's Anime Midwest looks promisingly like it could be the second greatest convention in Chicago.
Guests of Honor
