AniMinneapolis 2014
May 23-25, 2014
Minneapolis, MN
About AniMinneapolis 2014
AniMinneapolis is a massive anime convention happening on May 23-25, 2014. It is held annually at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in Minneapolis MN. This three-day convention provides anime fans in Minneapolis an experience unlike any other convention, focused on ensuring that every person attending has a memorable experience, by connecting them with amazing guests and having really friendly staff.
Guests of Honor

- Anime Industry Panels
- Anime Music Videos
- Anime Screenings
- Art Auction
- Artist Alley
- Board Games
- Charity Auction
- Collectable Card Games
- Cosplay Events With Prizes
- Cosplay Events Without Prizes
- Dance
- Dealer Room
- Fan Panels
- Formal Dance
- Free Autographs
- General Cosplay All Over
- Guest Panels
- Hall Cosplay Contest
- Hospitality
- Karaoke
- Live Action Role Playing
- Maid Cafe
- Miniatures Games
- Pick Up Games
- Rave
- Role Playing Games
- Video Gaming
- Workshops